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The modifying NP

The modifying Noun Phrase (NP) may be built around an exact measure noun such as meter meter or an inexact measure noun such as in ein a distance.


The modifying NP may be built around an exact measure noun such as meter meter or tel second. Examples are given below.

a. Twa kilo boppe syn normale gewicht
two kilo above his ordinary weight
Two kilos more than his ordinary weight
b. Twa tellen ûnder it wrâldrekôr
two seconds below the world.record
Two seconds below the world record

The modifying noun may also be built around an inexact measure noun preceded by the indefinite article such as in ein a distance or in bytsje a little:

a. In ein boppe syn normale gewicht
a distance above his ordinary weight
A lot more than his ordinary weight
b. Men hold der gjin klanten mei, mar in bytsje ûnder de priis en hja fûnen hieltyd opnij wer guon dy't der yn trapen
one kept it.R no customers with but a little below the price and they found continually again again people who R.it in step
One did not keep any customers, but a little below the price and they would continue finding people who fell for it

The noun ein may occasionally be used in the plural:

It bliuwt einen ûnder har bêste wurk
it stays distances below their best work
It is way below their best work

The indefinite determiner may also be the complex article sa'n such a, which may be accompanied by a clause of consequence.

It bleau sa'n ein ûnder syn bêste wurk dat gjinien it keapje woe
it stayed such.a distance below his best work that nobody it buy wanted
It was so much below his best work that nobody wanted to buy it
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