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This section gives some information about the Noun Phrase (NP) as a subject. The subject determines the agreement on the tensed verb, it is absent in te to-infinitives and a non-specific indefinite subject is introduced by means of the dummy locative pronoun der there.


The following sentence illustrates the use of the NP Peke Donia as a subject:

Peke Donia socht om in minske
Peke Donia looked for a human.being
Peke Donia was looking for a human being

The subject determines the agreement on the tensed verb. If the subject is plural, the tensed verb must also be in the plural:

Peke en Hiske sochten om in minske
Peke and Hiske looked for a human.being
Peke and Hiske were looking for a human being

The subject is absent in te to-infinitives:

a. Peke en Hiske fûnen in minske
Peke and Hiske found a human.being
Peke and Hiske found a human being
b. Der waard besocht om in minske te finen
there was attempted for a human.being to find
It was attempted to find a human being
c. *Der waard besocht om Peke en Hiske in minske te finen
there was attempted for Peke and Hiske a human.being to find
It was attempted for Peke and Hiske to find a human being

A non-specific indefinite subject is introduced by means of the dummy locative pronoun der there:

a. Der rint in âlde man op strjitte
there walks an old man on street
There's an old man walking in the street
b. *Der rint de âlde man op strjitte
there walks the old man on street
There's the old man walking in the street
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