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The partitive noun of a bare partitive construction determines agreement on the verb.


The following pair of sentences shows that the referential partitive noun determines agreement on the verb, not the content noun:

a. Wêr is it blik flikken?
where is.SG the tin.SG chocolate.drops
Where is the tin of chocolate drops?
b. *Wêr binne it blik flikken?
where are.PL the tin.SG chocolate.drops
Where is the tin of chocolate drops?

The same point is illustrated by the following pair of sentences, where the values for the feature number are reversed on the partitive noun and the content noun:

a. Wêr binne de blikjes bier?
where are.PL the can.PL beer.SG
Where are the cans of beer?
b. *Wêr is de blikjes bier?
where is.SG the can.PL beer.SG
Where are the cans of beer?
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