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Modification by adjectives

Measure nouns of high and low quantity may be modified only by adjectives compatible with their quantificational interpretation. So they may be modified only by intensifying adjectives, as these emphasize their vague high quantity interpretation.


The following examples show that nouns of high and low quantity may be modified by intensifying adjectives:

a. In ûnbidigen soad minsken
a terrific lot people
A terrific number of people
b. In bedroefd bytsje minsken
a sad lot people
A terribly small number of people

They may not be premodified by ordinary adjectives:

a. *In lilke soad minsken
an angry lot people
An angry lot of people
b. *In âld bytsje tsiis
an old bit cheese
An old bit of cheese

The phrase in lyts bytsje a small bit seems to have a collocational character. The adjective may be shortened to /li/. This is only allowed with the measure noun of low quantity bytsje bit, not with other nouns.

The noun in pear a few may not be modified by an intensifying adjective:

*In bedroefd pear minsken
a sad few people
A terribly small number of people

Nouns of exact quantity may be modified by approximative adjectives:

In lytse kilo jirpels
a small kilo potatoes
A bit less than a kilo of potatoes
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