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Negative polarity

The superlative complement cannot be a negative polarity item. However, a relative clause directly contained in the superlative complement may contain certain negative polarity items.


The superlative complement cannot be a negative polarity item, perhaps because it must consist of a set of things. However, a relative clause in the scope of a superlative may contain certain negative polarity items, such as ea ever:

Ien fan 'e bêste froulju dy't er ea yn Ynje kend hat
one of the best women who he ever in Indonesia known has
One of the best women from Indonesia he has ever known

Other negative polarity items are excluded:

*De lêste dy't wacht hoecht te rinnen is Abe
the last who guard needs to walk is Abe
Abe is the last one who needs to keep the guard

However, the special superlative quantifier iennichste only.SUP the only one allows a wider range of negative polarity items in a relative clause in its scope, more specifically, it allows, for some speakers, hoege need:

De iennich-ste dy't wacht hoecht te rinnen is Abe
the only.SUP who guard needs to walk is Abe
Abe is the only one who needs to keep the guard

The same facts obtain in case the superlative of this special quantifier is replaced with its positive degree, de ienige the only one. There does not seem to be any semantic difference between iennichste the only one and ienige the only one. This merits further investigation.

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