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Infinitival clause with object gap

The adjective is followed by an infinitival clause with an object gap, as in the example below:

Hja is âld genôch om út te noegjen foar it bungafeest
she is old enough for out to invite for the bunga.party
She is old enough to be invited to the bunga party

The argument of which the adjective is predicated can also be coreferential with a gap in the infinitival clause that occurs in the position of direct object or prepositional complement:

a. Hja is âld genôch om út te noegjen foar it bungafeest
she is old enough for out to invite for the bunga.party
She is old enough to be invited to the bunga party
b. Hja is âld genôch om in relaasje mei te hawwen
she is old enough for a relation with to have
She is old enough to have a relation with

The infinitival clause may be preposed:

a. Om út te noegjen foar it bungafeest is hja âld genôch
for out to invite for the bunga.pary is she old enough
She is old enough to be invited to the bunga party
b. Om in relaasje mei te hawwen is hja âld genôch
for a relation with to have is she old enough
She is old enough to have a relation with

The degree phrase as a whole may be preposed:

a. Âld genôch om út te noegjen foar it bungafeest is hja net
old enough for out to invite for the bunga.party is she not
She is not old enough to be invited to the bunga party
b. Âld genôch om in relaasje mei te haween is hja net
old enough for a relation with to have is she not
She is not old enough to have a relation with

The embedded clause cannot have the form of an Imperativus-pro-participio, although the examples improve considerably in case the object gap is filled with a pronoun:

a. *Hja is âld genôch en noegje út foar it bungafeest
she is old enough and invite out for the bunga.party
She is old enough to be invited to the bungaparty
b. *Hja is âld genôch en haw in relaasje mei
she is old enough and have a relation with
She is old enough to have a relation with
c. ?Hja is âld genôch en noegje har út foar it bungafeest
she is old enough and invite her out for the bunga.party
She is old enough to be invited to the bungaparty
d. ?Hja is âld genôch en haw in relaasje mei har
she is old enough and have a relation with her
She is old enough to have a relation with
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