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Persons and things

The collective universal determiner alle all can be used with both persons and things:

a. Alle boeken
all books
All books
b. Alle politisy
all politicians
All politicians

The collective universal determiner alle all cannot be nominalised and used as a floating quantifier. Instead, the form allegear all must be used (see also after quantifiers). This is shown in the example below:

a. *De boeken wiene alle / allen wat suterich
the books were all somewhat shabby
The books were all (somewhat) shabby
b. De boeken wiene allegear wat suterich
the books were all somewhat shabby
The books were all (somewhat) shabby

It cannot be nominalised and used in argument position either, in case there is an antecedent in the context:

a. *(De boeken?) Alle / Allen binne suterich
the books all were shabby
(The books?) All were shabby
b. *(De politisy?) Alle / Allen binne suterich
the politicians all were shabby
(The politicians?) All were shabby

In case there is no clear antecedent in the context, the quantificational pronoun alles everything can be used for things, and elkenien everybody for persons:

a. Alles wie like suterich
everything was equally shabby
Everything was quite shabby
b. Elkenien wie like suterich
everybody was equally shabby
Everybody was quite shabby

The universal pronoun for persons is ungrammatical in case there is an antecedent, but this does not hold for the universal pronoun for things, although the identity of pronoun and antecedent has a sloppy feel about it in the latter case, as if the whole context were referred to, and by pragmatic implication narrowed down to the antecedent:

a. ?(De boeken?) Alles wie like suterich
the books all was equally shabby
(The books?) All were quite shabby
b. *(De politisy?) Elkenien wie like suterich
the politicians everybody was equally shabby
(The politicians?) Everybody was quite shabby

The pronoun elkenien is derived from the distributive determiner elk each and the pronoun ien one. The status of the intermediary word en is not clear, though it is homophonous with the coordinating conjunction. In Modern Frisian, it is sometimes shortened to elkien.

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