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Excessive degree te too

The te too-construction relates a given high degree of a property of an argument to a proposition that will become false if that certain degree, the degree limit, is reached. Consider the following:

Hy wie te dom om te laitsjen
he was too foolish for to laugh
He was too foolish to laugh

The truth of the sentence as a whole entails that the action described in the infinitival clause did not take place. So, the sentence describes a state of affairs that is only false if a certain high degree of foolishness (the high degree limit) of a person does not obtain. The proposition expressed by the infinitival clause is false for all degrees equal to or higher than the high degree limit, and the proposition is true for all degrees lower than the high degree limit. The sentence as a whole entails that the person's foolishness exceeds the high degree limit by a certain degree quantity. This degree quantity can be specified by a quantified measure phrase:

a. Hy wie in bytsje/fiersten te dom
he was a little far too foolish
He was a little bit/far too foolish
b. Hy wie in jier te âld
he was a year too old
He was by a year too old

The degree limit can be syntactically expressed by an infinitival clause. The degree limit can be modified by an evaluator argument or by a measure phrase. The degree limit cannot be expressed by a finite clause, nor by a preceding infinitival clause.


More details about the excessive degree te too can be found by following the corresponding links:

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