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The unexpressed subject

The unexpressed subject of the infinitival clause is coreferential with (controlled by) the experiencer argument of the adjective.


The subject of infinitives in general is never expressed in Frisian; it must be covert:

a. Mei it doel om te winnen
with the purpose for to win
With the purpose to win
b. *Mei it doel om hja te winnen
with the purpose for they to win
Lit: With the purpose for them to win

In the example above, the unexpressed subject of the infinitival clause is coreferential with (controlled by) the experiencer argument of the complex predicate. The experiencer argument may be unexpressed (covert) or expressed (overt) as a foar forAdposition Phrase (PP):

De som is (foar Obe) maklik op te lossen
the sum is for Obe easy up to solve
The sum is easy to solve for Obe

So, the construction in (2) involves four arguments and two coreference relations.

Argument (c)overt? grammatical function:

  1. Argument of predication, overt subject (object, e.g. with fine find)
  2. Experiencer of predication, optional prepositional complement
  3. Agent of infinitival, covert (subject in active clause)
  4. Theme of infinitival, covert (object in active clause)
Coreference relations:
  1. Argument of predication <=> Object of infinitival
  2. Experiencer of predication <=> Subject of infinitival

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