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As PP of manner

The following elements can be used as relative pronouns of manner:

  • the interrogative pronoun of manner hoe how
  • the adverbial pronoun of manner sa so


Nouns of manner are the natural antecedents for the relative pronoun of manner. There are two nouns of manner: wize way and manear manner. These are sometimes used with the relative adverb hoe how, which is also used for questions. The resulting relative clauses did not occur in Frisian until the end of the twentieth century. They are absent in the Frisian Language Corpus before that time whereas nowadays they can easily be found on the internet. Two examples are given below:

a. ?De wize hoe't er it dien hat jout gjin pas
the way how.COMP he it done has gives no decency
The way in which he did it was not decent
b. ?De manear hoe't er it dien hat jout gjin pas
the manner how.COMP he it done has gives no decency
The manner in which he did it was not decent

Manner relatives are also formed with the relative adverb sa't so, both in older Frisian and in present-day Frisian:

a. ?De wize sa't er it dien hat jout gjin pas
the way so.COMP he it done has gives no decency
The way in which he did it was not decent
b. ?De manear sa't er it dien hat jout gjin pas
the manner so.COMP he it done has gives no decency
The manner in which he did it was not decent

Spoken language prefers the use of a free (also called headless) relative clause formed with sa't:

Sa't er it dien hat dat jout gjin pas
so.COMP he it done has that gives no decency
The way in which he did it was not decent

Hoe't how can also be used in a headless relative clause in spoken language, though it sounds less natural in this example.

?Hoe't er it dien hat dat jout gjin pas
how.COMP he it done has that gives no decency
The way in which he did it was not decent

In other cases, hoe't sounds more natural than sa't:

a. Oer de wize hoe't syllaben der komme, besteane twa opfettingen
about the way how syllables there come exist two views
About the way in which syllables come into existence, there exist two views
b. ?*Oer de wize sa't syllaben der komme, besteane twa opfettingen
about the way so syllables there come exist two views
About the way in which syllables come into existence, there exist two views

A possible topic for future research is that sa't so is factual or indicative, whereas hoe't is non-factual or subjunctive.

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