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7.1.The universal quantifier al'all' and its alternants

This section is mainly concerned with the syntax and semantics of the universal quantifier al'all' and its alternant alle in (5): we will refer to the former as pre-determiner bare al because it always precedes a definite determiner and never has the “inflectional” schwa ending; the latter will be called inflected alle.

Pre-determiner bare al
Inflected alle
a. al de mensen
  all the people
a'. alle mensen
  all people
b. al de boeken
  all the books
b'. alle boeken
  all books

Section 7.1.1 will start with an overview of the semantic properties of noun phrases containing al and alle, which is followed in 7.1.2 and 7.1.3 by a discussion of, respectively, their syntactic behavior and syntactic distribution. Section 7.1.4 discusses the independent uses of al/alle as, e.g., a pronominal argument or a floating quantifier; some examples of these uses are given in (6). Section 7.1.5 concludes with a discussion of the somewhat special form allemaal.

Pronominal quantifier allen/alles
Floating quantifier alle(n)
a. Allen zijn uitgenodigd.
  all  are  invited
a'. Die mensen zijn allen uitgenodigd.
  those people  are  all  prt.-invited
b. Alles is uitverkocht.
  all  is  sold.out
b'. Die boeken zijn alle uitverkocht.
  those books  are  all  sold.out
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