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2.4.Bibliographical notes

Detailed overviews of nominalization in Dutch can be found in De Haas & Trommelen (1993) and Haeseryn et al. (1997: 879ff.). For a discussion of restrictions on the input verb (in particular ergative verbs) of deverbal constructions of various kinds, see Knopper (1984). For discussions of er-nominalizations, see Booij (1986a, 1986b), Hoekstra (1986) and De Caluwe (1992, 1995). Discussions of the behavior of inf-and/or ing-nominalizations can be found in Ten Cate (1977), Van Haaften et al. (1985), Dik (1985a), Hoekstra & Wehrmann (1985), Hoekstra (1986), Looyenga (1990) and Schoorlemmer (2001), while Van den Hoek (1972) and Mackenzie (1985a) deal exclusively with ge-nominalizations. For a comparison between derivations with the affixes ge- and -erij, see Hüning (1992). Discussion of Dutch picture nouns can be found in Kaan (1992: Ch.5), Vandden Wyngaerd (1994:ch.7) and De Wit (1997). Although dealing with English rather than Dutch, the following publications may also be of interest: Zucchi (1993), who deals with the syntax and semantics of nominalization; Mackenzie (1985b, 1986, 1990, 1996), who takes a functional point of view; and Fu et al. (2001) on process nominals. For a typological study of action nominals, based on 70 languages (including Dutch), see Koptsjevskaja-Tamm (1993).
      Detailed theoretical discussions of argument structure can be found in Williams (1981, 1994) and Grimshaw (1990); for a review of these and other more recent proposals: see to Alexiadou et al. (2007: part IV, chapter 1). For discussions of relational nouns and inalienable possession, the reader is referred to Fillmore (1968), Hawkins (1981), Löbner (1985) and Guéron (1985). Although none of these studies deal with Dutch specifically, they all include material relevant for the Dutch noun phrase. Generative studies on the inheritance of arguments in Dutch include Hoekstra (1984a, 1986), Booij (1986a, 1988, 1992b), and Booij & Van Haaften (1987); Van der Putten (1997) advocates a lexical approach, and Dik (1985a, 1985b) and Mackenzie (1985a, 1986) adopt a functional approach.
      There is quite a body of literature on extraction from the noun phrase. For Dutch, the reader is referred to Coppen (1991), Kaan (1992, Ch.4) and De Wit (1997); see also Van der Does & De Hoop (1998) on the scrambling of definite noun phrases. Earlier studies on extraction include Kooij & Wiers (1977, 1978, 1979), Klein & Van der Toorn (1979) and De Haan (1979). For English, too, tests have been developed to distinguish PP-complements from PP-modifiers; cf. e.g., Radford (1988), Fries (1999) and Huddleston & Pullum (2002). Discussions of extraction from English noun phrases in a generative context can be found in Guéron (1980), Baltin (1983, 1984), Culicover & Rochemont (1990), Rochemont & Culicover (1990) and Davies & Dubinsky (2003).

  • Huddleston, Rodney & Pullum, Geoffrey (eds.)2002The Cambridge grammar of the English languageCambridgeCambridge University Press
  • Alexiadou, Artemis, Haegeman, Liliane & Stavrou, Melita2007Noun phrases in the generative perspectiveBerlin/New YorkMouton de Gruyter
  • Baltin, Mark1983Extraposition: bounding versus government and bindingLinguistic Inquiry14155-163
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  • Booij, Geert1986ER als vormer van subjectsnamen: de verhouding tussen morfologie en syntaxisGLOT91-14
  • Booij, Geert1986Form and meaning in morphology: the case of Dutch 'agent nouns'Linguistics24503-518
  • Booij, Geert1986ER als vormer van subjectsnamen: de verhouding tussen morfologie en syntaxisGLOT91-14
  • Booij, Geert1992Morphology, semantics and argument structureRoca, Iggy (ed.)Thematic structure: its role in grammarBerlin/New YorkForis Publications47-64
  • Booij, Geert & Haaften, Ton van1987De externe syntaxis van afgeleide woordenSpektator16421-436
  • Booij, Geert & Haaften, Ton van1988On the external syntax of derived words: evidence from DutchYearbook of Morphology1DordrechtForis29-44
  • Caluwe, Johan de1992Deverbaal -<i>er</i> als polyseem suffixSpektator21137
  • Cate, A.P. ten1977-<i>En</i> of -<i>ing</i>: een kwestie van aspecten?Spektator6395-401
  • Coppen, Peter-Arno1991Specifying the noun phraseAmsterdamThesis Publishers
  • Culicover, Peter & Rochemont, Michael1990Extraposition and the complement principleLinguistic Inquiry2133-47
  • Davies, William & Dubinsky, Stanley2003On extraction from NPsNatural Language & Linguistic Theory211-37
  • De Caluwe, Johan1995Categoriale polysemie en familiegelijkenis: deverbaal -<i>er</i>revisitedTabu253-13
  • Dik, Simon C1985Nederlandse nominalisaties in een Functionele GrammaticaForum der Letteren2681-107
  • Dik, Simon C1985Nederlandse nominalisaties in een Functionele GrammaticaForum der Letteren2681-107
  • Dik, Simon C1985Valentie en valentie-operaties in Functionele GrammaticaInterdisciplinair Tijdschrift voor Taal- en Tekstwetenschap595-114
  • Does, Jaap van der & Hoop, Helen de1998Type-shifting and scrambled definitesJournal of Semantics15393-416
  • Fillmore, Charles1968The case for caseBach, Emmon & Harms, R.T. (eds.)Universals in linguistic theoryNew YorkHolt, Rinehart, and Winston1-88
  • Fries, Peter1999Postnominal modifiers in the noun phraseCollins, Peter & Lee, David (eds.)The clause in EnglishAmsterdam/PhiladelphiaBenjamins
  • Fu, Jingqi, Roeper, Thomas & Borer, Hagit2001The VP within process nominals: evidence from adverbs and the VP anaphor <i>do-so</i>Natural Language & Linguistic Theory19549-582
  • Grimshaw, Jane1990Argument structureLI Monograph 18Cambridge, MAMIT Press
  • Guéron, Jacqueline1980On the syntax and semantics of PP extrapositionLinguistic Inquiry11637-678
  • Guéron, Jacqueline1985Inalienable possession, PRO-inclusion and lexical chainsGuéron, Jacqueline, Obenauer, Hans-Georg & Pollock, Jean-Yves (eds.)Grammatical representationDordrechtForis Publications43-86
  • Haaften, Ton van, Kerke, Simon van de, Middelkoop, Marja & Muysken, Pieter1985Nominalisaties in het NederlandsGLOT867-104
  • Haan, Ger de1979Onafhankelijke PP-komplementen van nominaSpektator8330-339
  • Haas, Wim de & Trommelen, Mieke1993Morfologisch handboek van het Nederlands. Een overzicht van de woordvormingSDU Uitgeverij
  • Haeseryn, Walter, Romijn, Kirsten, Geerts, Guido, Rooij, Jaap de & Toorn, Maarten C. van den1997Algemene Nederlandse spraakkunstGroningenNijhoff
  • Hawkins, R1981Towards an explanation of the possessive constructions <i>NPs' N</i> and <i>N of NP</i>Journal of Linguistics17247-269
  • Hoek, Theo van den1972<i>Ge</i>-afleidingen en Chomsky's lexicalistische hypotheseSpektator2405-420
  • Hoekstra, Teun1984Transitivity. Grammatical relations in government-binding theoryDordrecht/CinnaminsonForis Publications
  • Hoekstra, Teun1986Overerving bij nomina agentisGLOT942-56
  • Hoekstra, Teun1986Deverbalization and inheritanceLinguistics24549-584
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  • Hoekstra, Teun & Wehrmann, Pim1985De nominale infinitiefGLOT8257-275
  • Hüning, Matthias1992De concurrentie tussen deverbale nomina met <i>ge</i>- en op -<i>erij</i>Spektator21161-172
  • Kaan, Edith1992A minimal approach to extrapositionGroningenUniversity of GroningenThesis
  • Kaan, Edith1992A minimal approach to extrapositionGroningenUniversity of GroningenThesis
  • Klein, M. & Toorn, M.C. van den1979Van NP-beperking to XP-beperking: een antwoord op Kooij en Wiers 1978De Nieuwe Taalgids7297-109
  • Knopper, Rob1984On the morphology of ergative verbs and the polyfunctionality principleBennis, Hans & Lessen Kloeke, W.U.S. van (eds.)Linguistics in the Netherlands 1984DordrechtForis Publications119-127
  • Kooij, Jan & Wiers, Evelyn1977Vooropplaatsing van PPs in het NederlandsSpektator6445-449
  • Kooij, Jan & Wiers, Evelyn1978Vooropplaatsing, verplaatsingsregels en interne structuur van nominale groepenKooij, Jan (ed.)Aspekten van woordvolgorde in het NederlandsLeidenVakgroep Nederlandse Taal- & Letterkunde105-143
  • Kooij, Jan & Wiers, Evelyn1979Beperkingen en overschrijdingen: een antwoord aan Klein en Van den ToornDe Nieuwe Taalgids72488-493
  • Koptsjevskaja-Tamm, Maria1993NominalizationLondonRoutledge
  • Looyenga, Sietze1990On the internal structure of nominal infinitivesBok-Bennema, Rieneke & Coopmans, Peter (eds.)Linguistics in the Netherlands 1990DordrechtForis Publications
  • Löbner, Sebastian1985DefinitesJournal of Semantics4279-326
  • Mackenzie, J.L1996English nominalizations in the layered model of the sentenceDevriendt, B., Goossens, L. & Auwera, J. van der (eds.)Complex structures: a functionalist perspectiveBerlin/New YorkMouton de Gruyter
  • Mackenzie, Lachlan1985GenominaliseerValentie in Functionele Grammatica. Interdisciplinair Tijdschrift voor Taal- en Tekstwetenschap5177-198
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  • Mackenzie, Lachlan1985GenominaliseerValentie in Functionele Grammatica. Interdisciplinair Tijdschrift voor Taal- en Tekstwetenschap5177-198
  • Mackenzie, Lachlan1986Aspects of nominalization in English and DutchWorking Papers in Functional GrammarAmsterdamUniversity of Amsterdam
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  • Mackenzie, Lachlan1990First argument nominalization in a Functional Grammar of EnglishLinguistica Antverpensia24119-147
  • Putten, Frans van der1997Mind and matter in morphology. Syntactic and lexical deverbal morphology in DutchLeidenUniversity of LeidenThesis
  • Radford, Andrew1988Transformational grammar: a first courseNew YorkCambridge University Press
  • Rochemont, Michael & Culicover, Peter1990English focus constructions and the theory of grammarCambridgeCambridge University Press
  • Schoorlemmer, Maaike2001Dutch nominalised infinitives as non-identical twinsUiL OTS Working PaperNovember 2001
  • Williams, Edwin1981Argument structure and morphologyThe Linguistic Review181-114
  • Williams, Edwin1994Thematic structure in syntaxCambridge, MAMIT Press
  • Wit, Petra de1997Genitive case and genitive constructionsUtrechtUniversity of UtrechtThesis
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  • Wyngaerd, Guido vanden1994PRO-legomena. Distribution and Reference of infinitival subjectsLinguistic Models 19Berlin/New YorkMouton de Gruyter
  • Zucchi, Alessandro1993The language of propositions and events: issues in the syntax and the semantics of nominalizationDordrechtKluwer Academic Publishers
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